Data Capture
Determine the Productivity of Your Orchards with IFV’s FruitVision system
Precision farming requires precision tools. With multiple video cameras, IFV has developed a cutting-edge system that allows growers to capture the critical growing data they need from their orchards to make informed decisions on orchard management.
Growers do not always have the man power necessary to adequately assess orchard health or potential. A key part of management practice is to know when & how to ‘thin’ crops to promote selective growth. This is very dependent on knowing accurately how many fruit there are on each tree at key stages in the growing season. We believe that with the ability to identify trends & potential defects earlier in the growth cycle, we can improve orchard management techniques.
Vehicle Mounted Vision System
A Quad bike / Orchard tractor mounted vision system is driven between tree lines of orchards at a speed of up to 8km/h (5mph), measuring the quantity, size, density and locations of apples on the trees.
Together this information gives growers unprecedented resources to determine the crop yield & productivity of their orchards – providing accurate crop estimates of volume, size and class of fruit yields.
Cutting-edge Analysis of fruit crops
IFV’s Fruitvision system will provide growers with the most comprehensive view of their crop possible. We have developed a suite of industry-leading solutions that capture and analyse millions of points of data and turning it into information that growers can retrieve in a clear and concise format, so that they can make more effective decisions.
A key part of management practice is to know when & how to ‘thin’ crops to promote selective growth. This is very dependent on knowing accurately how many apples there are on each tree in the growing season. We believe that with the ability to identify trends & potential defects earlier in the growth cycle, we can improve orchard management techniques. This will enable them to develop a precision agriculture approach towards increasing tonnage, Class 1 yields & thus profits, by improving vigour and nutrition balance through specific pruning tactics, fruitlet size-thinning strategy and precision fertigation.
To achieve this we need detailed information on growth & development & our system will enable growers to:
- Measure apple yield and size development in season, with accurate prediction of Class I yield
- Negotiate contracted volumes accurately without wasting Class I apples, or having to import to make up shortfall.
- Reduce ‘rejects’ by 50% upgrading more crop to Class 1 through improved precision in size thinning & better crop management.
- uplift yield from current ‘average’ (29T/ha) to near ‘best’ (37T/ha) through strategic management (pruning; thinning; fertigation)
- Achieve sustainable intensification – by increasing yield by 8T/Ha from the same number of trees
The detailed analysis that the algorithms perform requires high quality images. In an 8 hour day, our 4 camera system will gather 5Tb of data. Over a single 4G connection this would take 31 days to stream to a server (that’s 93 x longer than the recording time). Even streaming via Wifi over dedicated superfast broadband would take several days. Dedicated superfast Broadband Wifi connection per camera would be needed for real time streaming. This together with data storage constraints is why we choose to perform real time ‘onboard’ processing for our system which offers rapid & concise reporting of crop variables.
Improve decision-making
Data presented as you need it, when you need it
Growers need a data solution that informs, but that will not bog down their decision making. Data that is unwieldy and forces a learning curve will only complicate your operations. That’s why IFV has developed methods to deliver essential data that can be processed and accessed easily by any end user.
IFV’s data analysis system delivers both “big picture” and detailed information, presenting you with a solution that is manageable and accessible. With Fruitvision, you get the right mix of essential data and usability. We provide a tool that you can introduce into your daily workflow without having to disrupt your established processes.